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The Psalms

Volume 1, 2 or 3 - £10 each Volume 4 -  £12

The Psalms are all set to music by Steve Jones. Some are the complete Psalm whilst others are a section of the Psalm or a selection of verses from the Psalm. Each volume corresponds to the books of the Psalms with the exception of volume 3 which contains books 3 and 4. The music has been composed so that it can be sung by congregations or amateur singing groups. There are, therefore, a variety of presentations. Some are 4 part harmony with independent piano accompaniment (some without any separate accompaniment), whilst others are for unison singing.

For any orders please 

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There are also corresponding piano accompaniment CDs for each of The Psalms Books.

These CDs are £2 each.

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Volume 1 - Psalms 1 - 41

Psalm 14 - Steve Jones
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Psalm 15 - Steve Jones
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Psalm 20 - Steve Jones
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Volume 2 - Psalms 42 - 72

Psalm 67 - Steve Jones
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Psalm 72 - Steve Jones
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Volume 3 - Psalms 73 - 106

Psalm 81 - Steve Jones
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Volume 4 - Psalms 107 - 150

Psalm 121 - Steve Jones
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Psalm 128 - Steve Jones
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Psalm 139 - Steve Jones
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